Inovação 4.0: Como a Inteligência Artificial Generativa aprimora a maneira como inovamos e trabalhamos em equipes criativas
20 de abril de 2023
Atualizado: 27 de abril de 2023

"Innovation 4.0: How Generative AI augments the way we innovate & work in creative teams"

On April 26th at 7:00 PM, Professor Frank Piller, an expert in Technology and Innovation Management, will give a talk on Innovation 4.0 at the Onovolab in São Carlos, Brazil. The event is open to the public and will take place at R. Aquidaban, 1 - Centro, São Carlos (SP). The talk will be conducted in English.  Click here for registration.   

The renowned expert in Technology and Innovation Management, Professor Frank Piller, will give a talk focused on the impact of AI and machine learning on new product and process development, and how these technologies are changing the way we innovate and collaborate in creative teams. Attendees will learn one of the most respected voices in academia and gain a deeper understanding of the future of innovation processes. This event is open to professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and academics interested in Technology and Innovation. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals. 

The event is organized by the Research Group on Change and Innovation Management, the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at the Department of Production Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC), INOVA.USP Complexo São Carlos, University of São Paulo (USP), and ONOVOLAB.


Mais informação: 
Mateus C. Gerolamo EESC/USP -   
Yukio Meira ONOVOLAB -


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